Sunday, May 1, 2011

Stay healthy during menstruation

As a teenage girl you surely will experience during puberty, the early stages of sexual maturation, where you will experience physical changes, hormonal, and sexual as well as the start of the menstrual cycle. Although typically happens the first time at the age of 9-16 years, but the menstrual cycle on every teenage girl baseball together. There are several factors that influence it, such as health factors, nutrition, socio-economic as well as offspring. Generally, teenage girls are overweight tend to have an early first menstrual cycle, compared with a skinny teenage girl and malnutrition.

During menstruation, many teenage girls you know that baseball feel comfortable with her condition. The body becomes not fit due to a sense of cramping and pain in the abdomen, waist or legs. Even some of our friends could faint from the pain. Not to mention the change of mood that sometimes makes you become more sensitive. If this condition is left, other than to disrupt the activity also affects the appearance. You become baseball fresh face, looking disheveled and pale.

Well, to reduce pain and help you to stay fit, the following 10 simple tips you can try:

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit and multiply drinking water.
Konsumi calcium, magnesium and vitamin D extra. Minerals is important in maintaining muscle function you know that baseball is prone to cramps.
Mild exercise. For example, swimming, road, or simply by rotating the foot for about 30 minutes.
Compress a part that feels pain with hot towels. Heat is known to reduce muscle tension.
Apply gentle massage on the body that feels stiff, sore or strained.
Avoid wearing tight clothing before or during menstruation.
Inhale deeply while listening to soft music nuances.
Use socks to keep your body temperature for baseball cold. Or soak the feet in salt water solution and betel. Betel leaf efficacious as natural antibiotics and salt as a stamina booster.
Warm drinks like tea and ginger can make the body relax and the mind becomes fresh when you indulge again.
Consume drugs or herbal drinks. This is a practical way to overcome the pain that can interfere with your activities. You can also try Kiranti SOUND COMING MONTHS. This natural healthy beverage efficacious to facilitate menstruation, menstrual complaints (pain, fatigue, lethargy), to overcome the problem of whiteness, as well as maintaining cleanliness and health of your body during menstruation. Baseball you have to worry about abortion because Kiranti special concoction made from natural spices whose composition has been standardized by CPOTB (Traditional Medicine Making the Good and True) and safe without side effects. Even the results of clinical trials to prove 7 out of 10 women who regularly consume Kiranti no longer experienced menstrual pain and vaginal discharge. Simply by consuming Kiranti 1-2 bottles per day ... ie 3 days before, during menstruation and 3 days after menstruation; all complaining about the period will be overcome.


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