Sunday, May 1, 2011

Glowing in the morning

Proverb says, the natural beauty one can be seen when he woke up.

Yup, it's true! But, this is not just simply because your face is very pretty. Skin glowing and smooth fresh face without makeup, that's what makes you beautiful!

It's a way to get it:

1. Getting enough sleep 7 hours a day (even better if beauty sleep was carried out 8 hours a day).
2. Drink at least 8 glasses a day. It's good for the kidneys and the skin moist.
3. Regular exercise each day. No need to go to the gym if you do not have time. Just do a light exercise such as up and down stairs, lifting the feet and hands while watching TV, sight seeing at the mall or just to help mommy sweep or mop the floor. The point, to burn calories, blood circulation to the skin and makes beauty sleep when the body is tired.
4. Before bed, compress the eye with a piece of cold cucumber or bag tea bag for 10-15 minutes to reduce the "panda eyes" and lower eyelids.
5. Continue by applying a moisturizer on the skin for permanent facial with a nutritions long as you sleep.


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