Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Overcoming insomnia

Disturbed sleep or insomnia is often called a state where a person can not sleep or sleep soundly but not, of course you've been there too right?
Insomnia can be minimized by doing the following activities:

1. Lightweight Sports
Perform light exercise like a walk around the bed, sit up or muscle relaxation.

2. Drinking Milk
Do not ever think that when we sleep the body does not need energy, well by drinking milk, ita energy will increase and we sleep more soundly.

3. Soothe the hearts and minds
If we are still feeling anxious, your heart will beat faster, that's what causes us sleepless nights, so calm our minds and hearts first.

4. Lower body temperature
Can be done by turning on the fan or air conditioner, or even take a shower before bed, because if our body temperature is too low then sleep more easily.

5. Select Position
Make your sleeping position comfortable as possible, or maybe you need to redecorate your room, do it, make yourself as comfortable as possible so that time is not disturbed your rest ...

Good luck Girls ...

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