Sunday, May 1, 2011

Healthy toenails

Toenails need more care than fingernails, because many things that cause us easily damaged toenails and smell. Though toenails are part of the foot that sustains the whole of our body, so already we should give extra attention.

1. Washing feet

Come on do not be lazy to wash the feet, especially if you already wear shoes all day, surely our feet wet and the edges of smell, hiii ..! So if you come home from anywhere, to wash our feet at home immediately with soap let the germs that stick in your toenails were expelled and did not stay at our feet.

2. Soak in warm water

Let your feet relax, try deh prepare warm water for soaking our feet all day already use the road. Do not forget to add salt and olive oil though more subtle.

3. Regular Scissors

Here it is, not to nail our feet long with a black state. If you do not like her nails done, most rituals do not need frequent nail clippers. Those who would like manjangin nails should also cut it to just tidy up, because it would be weird if we nail length is more than 2cm.

4. Nail file

After a nail cutting, nail files you will look more presentable. But do not hone too deep because it will hurt the meat in our nails. One more thing, do not rush because the results were not maximal. So pick a time for relaxing mengikirnya.

5. Pedicure in the salon

Most people go to a salon for hair care only. Well, now try sempatkan to a special salon for legs. Especially for you who are lazy at home foot care. With a pedicure in the salon, complete our feet cleaned treatment was given starting from the dirt, nail file, until the removal of a thick cuticle. In addition, our feet cleaned with a special antiseptic soap. Just complete deh.

6. Nail Coloring

Not only fingernails wrote that must look good, too important toenails loh looks interesting, especially if we hobby wearing sandals that show our toenails. Try to paint your nails with the same choice of colors that match the color of our skin, guaranteed toenails look more cute and sexy.

How, it's easy to make us more clean toenails manicured, would use his own way home or to the hairdresser, which is important we do not take time for the lazy "toenails"!.


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