Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lets have beautiful eyes

Surely you've had eye problems, such as around a black eye, or eye bags are very disturbing. Well, to avoid these things, follow the following tips!

Do some tips below, for your eyes still look fresh and beautiful.
Clean the eyes of cosmetics before bed
Time cosmetics will clog the pores. To clean the eye, you should use a special cleaning eye, because the eye has a section which is more sensitive than other facial parts. After that, apply eye cream that will help care for her at night.

Drinking enough water
Minimum of eight glasses per day. This can prevent the dehydration that can prevent the onset of wrinkles in the eye.

Consumption of fruit and vegetables
The content of minerals and vitamins in the fruit is a useful nutrient for eye beauty. Especially, the content of vitamin C in fruits or vegetables can help the formation of collagen that add elasticity of the eye.

Protect your eyes from the sun
While outdoor activities during the day, use sunscreen or eye gel to to refresh the eyes. Instead, use goggles that can protect from ultraviolet rays, or use an umbrella or a hat.

Avoid rubbed his eyes
Dirty hands that used to rubbed his eyes, can cause irritation to eyes.

Eye compress
Compress using a piece of potato or cucumber for 10 minutes, to reduce dark circles. To facilitate the circulation of blood, the eyes can be compressed using ice cubes and diusapkan around the eye. As an antiseptic, enter a betel leaf in hot water, and allow the water vapor on the eyes.


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