Sunday, May 1, 2011

Milk for Beauty

Who does not know if the milk is really good for health? In addition, you can too pretty, you know with this miraculous beverage.

Shrink the pores of the face: if you have a problem with the pores of the facial skin look great and want to shine, then the answer is sour cream (sour milk). Take the sour cream to taste, then apply to face and neck evenly. Wait for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Getting rid of blemishes: dairy products, like yogurt are believed to repel stains by using it as a mask. Take 2 teaspoon of vitamin E into a bowl (you can get from capsules containing vitamin E), add 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt, ½ teaspoon of honey and lemon juice and stir well. Apply to entire face and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Rinse face with warm water until clean.

Cleaning the skin cells die: you can also make the process of scrubbing with milk to remove dead skin cells in the body. Dissolve a little salt in boiling water, add 4 cups instant nonfat milk into it, slowly, stirring constantly. Do scrubbing with a loofah.

Reduced skin irritation, red spots, allergic skin reactions, and heal wounds: basuhkan sweet milk or sour cream or butter milk to the troubled area, allow to dry. In addition, milk bath by adding a cup of instant milk powder into the water bath, also believed to nourish and soften the skin.


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