Sunday, May 1, 2011

vitamins for your skin

If we usually only do skin care only from deep (using the body lotion or body cream), now begin to take care of in a way to consume food that contains vitamins.

Vitamin serves to maintain the body's metabolism, which affects the skin health. Here are 4 types of vitamin and its benefits for our skin.

Vitamin A:

* Helps control the production of skin oil (sebum).
* Reduces fine wrinkles because they contain antioxidants that fight free radicals (ultraviolet light, pollution, stress experienced by the skin).
* Strengthens the skin tissue and prevents acne.

There are the following: beef, chicken liver, milk, fish, milk, cheese, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, and carrots.

Vitamin B complex:

* Fight the acne.
* Helps regenerate skin (replace dead skin cells with new ones), because this vitamin blood circulation.
* Maintain skin moisture.

There are the following: bread, beans, wheat, rice, beans, and milk.

Vitamin C:

* Preventing premature aging of the skin.
* Antibacterial best to fight acne.
* As an antioxidant substances function captures free radicals that can damage the skin (ultraviolet rays, pollution, and stress experienced by the skin).
* Protects skin cells and body.
* Helps the formation of collagen tissue (tissue that makes skin elastic.)

There are at: oranges, strawberries, cabbage, milk, butter, potatoes, and fish.

Vitamin E:

* Strengthens the skin tissue cells.
* Reduce the infection and inflammation that occurs in the skin.
* Removes dullness and dryness.

There is in: milk, butter, eggs, nuts, bananas, beans, and green vegetables.


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