Sunday, May 1, 2011

4 replacement activity sports

Perhaps many of you who have the same hobby with me ... SPORTS ... huaahhh sounds very tiring and frustrating ... but we still can maintain the health of our bodies to replace them with a variety of other activities ...

1. Playing with Children
A time to play with children. Encourage children to play in the park, throw a ball, swimming, race, and also ask what the child wants to do. In addition they feel happy, your body will also work out by itself.

2. Bathing & Playing With Pets
Bathing pets is very enjoyable, much less while exercising. The bigger the dog or cat, then you will feel how much energy is wasted to bathe them.

So, do not be lazy, lazy pet hygiene pet. Often taking the dog or your cat walk around the area home, also can help burn fat. Want to know where the actress Jessica Biel have beautiful arms? Quoted from Ourvanity, Jessica diligently to bring two beloved dogs to walk and run around the housing complex.

3. Go to the Shopping Centre
Any woman who does not spend time in shopping malls? You do not have to go shopping, just do the 'window shopping'. Enter the shop after shop on every floor, do not feel you have walked for an hour and has not been exhausted. And, select the elevator to go up the escalator rather than burning more calories. Walking is good exercise and keeps you active.

4. Picnic
Prepare supplies, tents, tablecloths and all purposes other picnic unconsciously already made you exercise. Not to mention if you drive your own car. Driving wheel, the clutch, brake, gas and shifting gears, making the body move more intensively.

Maybe a bit difficult picnic activities done by people who live in big cities. However, you can still picnic in the park or tourist attractions close to your town on the weekends. Bring a few supplies and vitamins that you may forget when you are stressed at work.


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