Sunday, May 1, 2011

tips to keep bad breath

what if one day you're out with a girlfriend but you breath smell? waaawwww very unpleasant is not it? want to know how to fix this? let's see ....

1. let's Toothbrush

make it a habit to always brush your teeth after eating. That let the rest of the food is not left in the tooth. Because food scraps can be decomposed and that's what makes breath so we are not fresh. Anyway, the remaining food can also cause cavities.

If you include this class of people who are not allowed to brush your teeth fit fast, then you should brush your teeth after dawn.

2. Do not forget the mouthwash

This one thing really so important in the month of fasting. Because it might not fit anymore and hold a toothbrush hanging out with friends! So this is a liquid oral freshener so luggage must.

Mouthwash also became the first rescue thing that can make fresh breath instantly. But be careful ... do not be its frequency, not good as well.

3. Clean the mouth thoroughly

Just like a toothbrush, we must also be diligent, industrious bersihin mouth do not let food residue left in the mouth and teeth. Besides with a toothbrush, do not forget to also use dental floss dental floss alias.

In addition, the tongue should also be diperhatiin loh. Brush tongue with a soft toothbrush, because sometimes leftovers like stuck there.

4. Sedia always spray breath fresheners

It's ya main weapon and the most practical and really express to get rid of less fresh breath. The packaging is also small so you can take them anywhere, just stayed in the office.

So let you remain confident anytime anywhere, do not forget to bring ya ya thing ... much sold everywhere really. But if you can, do not use it in front of people, yes, a bit not good so he saw he he ...

5. Use lipbalm

Not too much impact does the same breath is less fresh, but the lip balm to keep lips really helps keep it fresh. Anyway if dry lips, it's not awful.


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