Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nail Care Tips

Did you know that skin healthy nail consists of several layers, namely:

- Nail plate: outer layer of nails
- Nail folds: a framing nail skin
- Nail bed: a layer of skin located at the bottom of the nail
- cuticle: a layer that coats the nail, to protect the new keratin cells.
- Lunula: semicircular layer at the base of the nail

How to treat toenail:

# Never open a hard object or pull something even though no matter how hard you polish your nails because it will hurt you.

# Eliminate the habit of biting your nails! Because it can damage the nail bed nail you. In addition is one way of entry of bacteria can also cause infection of the nail bed.

# Do not let your nails are too long in contact with chemicals, protect your nails with plastic gloves.

# Cut your nails regularly, do not have long to wait for a new cut. Use sharp scissors and pengikir to smooth the nail tip, nail Never pull the half cut because it will ruin your new nail tissue.

# Give a moisturizer to your nails, apply a moisturizer as you use lotion, perform this ritual after washing hands.

Nails are brittle and broken can be repaired, the following ways how:

* Keep your nails to keep it short, square and circular tip. Nail clippers after a bath or after soaking in oil bath for 15 minutes, then give the lotion on the nail.

* Apply nail lotion before bed at kutila nails.

* Apply nail amplifier but avoid products containing toluene sulfonamide or formaldehyde. These chemicals can cause irritation to the skin.


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