Sunday, May 1, 2011

tomato for your skin

Tomatoes not only be the fruit that decorate your plate of salad or are in the pile your burger. Now, so many beauty products containing tomatoes. Wonder why? Because tomatoes contain substances that are nutritious for the skin!

* Consuming fruit and vegetables could be arguably one of the best ways to maintain skin condition, because fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber which is useful as an antioxidant. This is what launched the process of skin regeneration and repair skin cells damaged.
* Well, skin and beauty experts have admitted that tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which is believed to neutralize harmful molecules in the skin caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. There is also a substance in tomatoes that are named Tomatin, which can heal wounds and acne.
* Well, to enjoy the benefits of tomatoes for the skin, we can often consume tomatoes as food. Or, try a variety of products such as cleansing milk containing tomatoes or scrubs. Tomato scrubs is one of the processed form a powerful (for the skin of the face or body) created slough off dead skin, including blackheads so that your skin is clean, shiny and humidity is maintained.


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